Who Are We?
Our Values and Purpose
We are non-profit
We are affordable
We are going back to our roots
We support whole health
We are community-minded
We are diverse and inclusive
We are community connectors
We are growth and opportunity focused
We believe in unifying the Wellness Community
We are supportive of each other and the wider Community
As a non-profit organization, we establish, receive, and maintain fund or funds and apply from time to time all or part thereof and/or the income therefrom to host an annual, or semi-annual, trade show(s) introducing the latest science, products, and services concerning Wellness, which encompasses a broad range of ideas including but not limited to financial wellness, spirituality, body fitness, mental health, nutritional wellness and environmental wellness.
Moncton Wellness Expo Supports Whole Health
Physical wellness promotes the care of our physical body for optimal function and participation in life.
Spiritual wellness promotes connectedness with self, other people, a higher power, the natural world and the universe that transcends and empowers all life.
Mental and emotional wellness promotes a state of well-being that enables us to realize our natural talents and abilities, cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively and make a positive contribution to important relationships.
Social wellness enables our capacity to engage with other people, groups, organizations and service providers to develop healthy and mutually beneficial relationships.
Relational wellness enables the positive function of important relationships and includes the development of key attributes that benefit these connections and interactions; i.e. empathy, engagement, authenticity, and empowerment.
Financial wellness promotes healthy decision making and management of personal and family finances, including goal setting, investments, insurance and retirement planning.
Environmental wellness promotes well-being by minimizing the inherent risk to human health in the spaces where we live, work and play.
Individual wellness recognizes the unique needs, conditions, abilities, routines and goals of the person it is designed to help.
Family-focused wellness promotes a healthy social environment and positive physical and psychological interactions between family members, as their individual needs evolve over the course of life.
Our Vision
From Our Family to Yours
We are family-friendly
We are innovative
We are experiential
We are interactive
We are engaging
We are education-minded
We work to empower people
We also believe in self-empowerment
We provide people with tools for improving their lives
We are interdisciplinary ~respecting, supporting, and promoting a wide range of approaches that support wellness
The Journey Towards Health Begins on the Path of Self Love. Begin Your Journey Today.
I have been attending the Moncton Wellness Expo for 5 years. Each year, I look forward to the event and the many presentations and exhibits. I always come away from the experience with new ideas and a feeling of time well spent. The vendors are friendly and very knowledgeable and I have quite enjoyed my discussions with them about their products and services. I find you never know who will say exactly the right words to spark a new way of doing things, so I usually spend a few minutes at each booth. Connections that I made at the Expo years ago are still important to me today.
Jeff MacLeod
Expo Participant & Vendor
I have attended the Wellness Expo as a vendor since its birth in our beautiful hub city of Moncton. In the early years it was as an employee of Forever Healthy and in the past 12 years it has been as the owner & manager of CSNN Moncton.
From a vendor perspective of both businesses, our involvement was to help grow our business, to connect with the community and with like-minded people, and, more so with the school, to ‘sow seeds’. I cannot tell you how many students, now graduates, tell us that they remember meeting us at the Wellness Expo! For me personally, I am a people person, so physically seeing and conversing with people, sharing, laughing, hugging, and even sharing some tears, which makes us all human and with a common bond – we need more of this! This event provided that connection all under one roof and people came and enjoyed the energy and experience. A wide variety of talks, yummy food, and sample services meant that people often stayed the day and some returned the second day! People left feeling happy, energized, armed with tools of services and modalities that are available in our great city to empower them on their wellness journey, many voicing that ‘they cannot wait for the next one’.
This has been my experience as a vendor and it's very much what we want to revive and/or continue and make better with the new Moncton Wellness Expo and one of the reasons I offered my time and energy to serve on the new Board.